Thursday, 1 May 2014

Business for Breakfast Meeting

Really enjoyed my first meeting at Business for Breakfast this morning since I joined up. I initally signed up  to showcase my corporate photography and professional headshot's for how people can market themselves better but today I talked about pet photography as a gift idea for Fathers Day. Today I got some really good leads and I am looking forward to working with everyone and getting to know them better

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

National Magazine Campaign

Some of my work tourism published in Chat and Woman Magazine as part of a National Campaign by Visit England. Here are a few of them

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Had a great morning today. I was invited in by Leek College to meet with some photography students who wanted to discuss options for embarking on their next steps in photography. Exciting Times!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Party Finesse 2010 is brilliant

I have been really pleased with the quality of the party bags on the Party Finesse 2010 shop on eBay. I'm always a big believer in giving praise when its well deserved. Not only were the party bags and gifts really great quality at a very reasonable price, but the service was great too, I'd certainly recommend a look

Visit the site click here!!